Monday, April 6, 2009

ad crit 8

For my eigth ad crit, I found a pet adoption service on the net that I decided needed a little help. It's a fairly small design, and from what I can tell, there isn't really that much in the logo that supports the idea that this is an adoption agency for animals.
The only image backing up the possibility that this is a pet-related site is the cat face topping the 'i' in 'Fanciers'! The following phrase 'where pet-lovers go' confuses me, go to do what exactly? Mingle? Share potty-training stories? Buy grooming supplies? It is an extremely open-ended phrase that doesn't attrack the viewer to investigate further.
As far as the elements of the logo go, they are strange, raising more questions than answering them. I think the most obvious question for me is, what are the colored blocks going along the bottom of the ad? They don't have any catchy lettering on them, don't reference building blocks for a healthy pet, so why that particular design? I have no idea why this aspect was chosen!
Next, the text. The font 'Fanciers' is understandable, a nice calm font, but the 'Plus' after it is too much like the script 'Fancy Feast', are they that pressed for a font style that they chose something that was already a recognizable font to pet owners? Or maybe they did that intentionally to reference cats? -I doubt it, unfortunately I believe it was the former.
Lastly, the 'where the pet lovers go', another font style still? Where is the continuity and similarity to this? Oh wait, it must be in the gradient colored text up above.....Robin would disapprove, as do I.

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