Thursday, April 30, 2009

Proj 4 update....

Well, I think I've got it narrowed down to two template options (after much ado). I had actually thought of scanning in some fabric as a background before it was brought up in class on the 28th. I love Betsy's burlap, and while I had considered burlap because I love texture, it is a distant second compared to the fabric I actually forgot I had from a few years ago, an earth-toned light-weight rayon with different feathers all over it. While it's beautiful, I'm not quite sure how it will scan. I worry it may be too transparent to get the effect I want.
My second option is Amanda's very clever idea of using a pinhole image like the ones from my third project. I'm sooooo into the template and for some reason stuck on making it strictly from photoshop or illustrator, I didn't even consider that as an option! But it's a good one! I'm in the process of making a new 'camera' from something larger, I've got a shoe box I'm tinkering with because the Pringles can image is way too small to enlarge to a background. I had even thought of using color in the image- all images will come out black and white, which is great. However I am a color and texture person, so I considered enhancing some of the image with color in photoshop. Even if making the button links in color while the rest is b&w....hmmm, at least I've got it narrowed down some. I'll post images in next day or so!

Monday, April 27, 2009

After many, many templates-some I've posted, some I haven't, I have decided to go with something a bit more 'hand drawn'. I think the stamps I've been using will be too pixelated when posted and viewed on web....this is a rough sketch, but I think I'm going in the right direction....

ad crit 11

You know how people have a favorite animal? Some like dolphins, some like lions, kittens, etc. Well mine has always been the armadillo. I’m not real sure why, I think I just liked the way they looked when I was younger. For this reason, my affection for the strange little mammal, I decided to use one as my theme for my eleventh ad crit.
In searching the web, I found a website that has an armadillo as the ‘mascot’ and decided to analyze it. The site is, which is a site advertising their advertising company.
At second glance, (not first because it’s not that screaming obvious), the eye falls on the stylized claymation looking armadillo in the center of the page. As adorable as he is, he doesn’t stand out enough for my taste. The name is after all, ‘Armadillo Advertising”. However for an ad agency, I’m surprised at some of their choices for the homepage layout.
Firstly, and this is why I say at a second glance, the armadillo is grey, which is true to life, however I don’t think he stands out enough against the medium blue background-even with the ‘fade-to green’ ground the armadillo is ‘standing’ on.
Secondly, what’s with all the font everywhere? There is the cheesy blinking ‘ears’ tab at the end of the link bar with some strange designs at either end, (which is also repeated at the bottom of the page); this ‘stamp of approval’ competing with the armadillo image; and lastly text going in just about every direction possible! Round, tilted, horizontal and linear top to bottom, that’s a lot to look at! The curved lines on either side of the armadillo is a catchy idea, but there is too much going on visually with everything else. There is also competition with the different sized fonts throughout the page. Along the curved lines, well, just on the right side, is a cleverly planned layout describing the site, but again it is overshadowed by the multiple messages the designer felt needed to go all around the image.
While it is a cute idea, unfortunately the whole composition is muddied by all of the elements going on.

Friday, April 24, 2009

website mindset...

Ok, I dropped the ball. I admit it, I totally forgot about the 150 word post about my site.
I have had one terrible time trying to decide what template to use! I mean, this is important, I want it to be something that encompasses me and my ideas and my work, something personal yet professional.
I have posted several different templates for what I would like the main structure/ format/composition of the site to look like, but I'm having trouble committing....if I had a dime....
I have always been drawn to a very 'organic-freeform' shape in things, I think that is why I decided to model my site after the 'SAW' website posted earlier; something organic with a photographic quality. However in playing with templates with photoshop and illustrator, I've decided I need color! Color draws the eye and makes the world go 'round. It lifts the spirits and stimulates the mind all at the same time.
I also want to incorporate something other than just a boring rectangular shape as my link button. I really like the idea of what I had in my last post, having the 'blobs' being the link buttons. Instead of having them 'listed' almost in order, down the left side, (boring), they would be scattered along the bottom in a random yet easily identifiable fashion. More templates are in the making as well as what exactly I want to portray about myself....

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

gettin there, I think I like this image a lot.....

Sunday, April 19, 2009

This is a hard decision....I think the magenta is too overwhelming, especially if all of the linked pages have that same intense color scheme...

image considerations for website

Friday, April 17, 2009

ad crit 10

For my tenth ad crit, I came across a very clever ad for domestic abuse. There are several of these picture/ads available at, which in my opinion are worth taking a look at.

The first thing that struck me was the type being very small. If viewing this poster in person, as if just walking up on it on the street, it may be more legible. But viewing on the net, is difficult until it is zoomed in. The caption by the bangle bracelet states, "He gave me this on our anniversary", while the fractured bone with a pin it is states, "He gave me this for nothing at all."

The idea is simple yet strong. It does something that is hard to achieve with just an image and a short caption. For me, it is a 'hit hard' image that doesn't even need the caption. True, there might be questions that would arise, but we are an intelligent people and could probably pick up on the message.

The design/ compostion more appropriately of the ad is laid out well. The 'arm' x-ray is not quite at the horizon line, and the bracelet and fracture are not centered either. While the font is powerful as a script, it also may do the message an injustice. If the image wasn't an x-ray, it may appear to be a jewelry ad, and the soft script may lead to such making it easy to pass over as just another Debeers ad.

Either way, it is an x-ray, which does pack a powerful punch to the message.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

ad crit 9

For my ninth ad crit, I found an art exhibit online at the National Gallery of Art focusing on Art Nouveau. Personally, I have always been attracted to the Nouveau movement because of it's organic-free form fluidity, so I decided to critique the homepage. The site is

The first place my eye catches is the eloquent banner at the top, which I suppose is what good websites are about. The design is simple, balanced, and indicative of the Art Nouveau era. This is backed up by the nouveau-style font in both the banner and the supporting font.

The color scheme is earthy and natural, which I feel also supports the mood of the style, natural and organic. The additional links and subtitles are also designed with the same colors and font, and although the font is different from what is used in the main banner it still harmonizes with the design.

The layout of the site is easy and explanatory. Links lead to exactly where they say they will and all linked information is easy to understand. The style of the linked pages are laid out slightly different but still mimic the nouveau style.

The only aspect of the site that bothers me is on the homepage. I feel there is too much excess space, blank space, to the far right of the type. I think the utilization of the space wasn't accounted for properly. Other than that, I think the site serves it's purpose well.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

upload images-class html

class HTML

blah blah
blah blah again
blah final


blah one
blah two

blah gettin old

Monday, April 6, 2009

ad crit 8

For my eigth ad crit, I found a pet adoption service on the net that I decided needed a little help. It's a fairly small design, and from what I can tell, there isn't really that much in the logo that supports the idea that this is an adoption agency for animals.
The only image backing up the possibility that this is a pet-related site is the cat face topping the 'i' in 'Fanciers'! The following phrase 'where pet-lovers go' confuses me, go to do what exactly? Mingle? Share potty-training stories? Buy grooming supplies? It is an extremely open-ended phrase that doesn't attrack the viewer to investigate further.
As far as the elements of the logo go, they are strange, raising more questions than answering them. I think the most obvious question for me is, what are the colored blocks going along the bottom of the ad? They don't have any catchy lettering on them, don't reference building blocks for a healthy pet, so why that particular design? I have no idea why this aspect was chosen!
Next, the text. The font 'Fanciers' is understandable, a nice calm font, but the 'Plus' after it is too much like the script 'Fancy Feast', are they that pressed for a font style that they chose something that was already a recognizable font to pet owners? Or maybe they did that intentionally to reference cats? -I doubt it, unfortunately I believe it was the former.
Lastly, the 'where the pet lovers go', another font style still? Where is the continuity and similarity to this? Oh wait, it must be in the gradient colored text up above.....Robin would disapprove, as do I.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

test .html from class

click here la te da
how much have i learned?

a whole bunch-kinda