Sunday, March 15, 2009

ad crit-5

For my fifth ad critique, I decided to take a look at the cereal box "Honey Bunches of Oats". I figured since our class had reviewed several different cereal boxes recently, this would be the a natural choice for the next ad.
Upon first glance, this box is pleasing to the eye. The majority of color used, (a warm, golden yellow and a soothing, medium blue), do their job and make the palette visually interesting.
As far as the composition of the box, or the layout of the design, I feel it works fairly well. It's not screaming chaos and confusion like Fruity Pebbles and some of the others, while it is simple, it is effective. There are only a few eye-catching components: the 'sunny' Honey Bunches of Oats round emblem, the spoon and actual cereal with matching colors to the golden yellow emblem, and the almonds and font. The 'POST' name and the double box sign, both in red are relatively small and unobtrusive.
Another design element that ironically helps the eye- catchiness of the box is the use of white space. Although the main logo is dead center, and it could be a bit more interestingly placed, it is surrounded by an even amount of white space, making the design simple yet strong.
While the box only uses a limited color scheme and very basic design elements, it still stands out against others more wild and confusing designs.

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