Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Super Heroine Story

To: B. Obama

From: former U.S. President- George Bush

Information status: Extremely confidential!!

Dear Barak-

It occured to me after I got back to Texas and warmed up infront of my fireplace yesterday, that I forgot to mention somethin I like to call ' Operation Wendy'.

Now, your not gonna find any information in the White House on this "op" except maybe a note or two that got wedged in that top drawer on the left, (you gotta watch for that, I lost a memo from Marget Thatcher in there one time and I'd like to never found it), anyways, oh yeah, operation Wendy. Your a smart man, but lemme take a minute and give you the story on this little girl...

It all started some time ago in Asia somewhere, I think it was in China, yeah, it was....anyways, this little girl is some kinda super hero.

Now, you may think I'm crazy by sayin that, but I'm as serious as a heart attack, and there is proof of this. Her actual name is 'Wen Di' which comes from some Dynasty name oh, couple thousand years ago in China, the Hand Dynasty.

Well, Dad told me that the Chinese folks were the first ones to make noodles and they had found some datin back to 2000 BC!! Boy I tell ya, I wouldn't wanna eat them! But they weren't even moldy! Anyways this little girl runs around, I think she flies actually, and feeds all these starvin children all over the world! Somehow, I think she has this secret magical bag kinda like Santa Clause, that she keeps a whole bunch of noodles in and she can 'sense' when theres some hungry kids somewhere, and she feeds them. I told Barbra she was a super hero cause she can sense stuff too, but she says its a 'womans intuition' or somethin. So, Wendy can sense when there is some kids somewhere and she flies out there to where they are and whips up some noodles for them in a bowl. She even has steak, chicken, seafood and somethin called tofu that she will mix for them if they want it and leaves them leftovers too!

Now here's the real super part I think, she can speak every language in the world! And when I say every, I mean to tell you EVERY, from anywhere. Can you imagine how much schoolin she had? How do you learn all that in one lifetime? Well, course she is a couple thousand years old, but she doesn't look it, no sir-ee! Get ahold of, oh, what's his name, over there at NASA and he's got a couple satellite pictures of her. She wears all green and looks like she has noodles for hair. I tried to make that as my Christmas card one year, with her and the dogs, but Barb and Dad wouldn't let me. There's also some pictures of old cave paintings the folks down the street there at the Smithsonian think is her. They said she wears green cause it's some kind of world peaceful color. Makes kids real happy and content or somethin. Well, they've got some real neat pictures of rock drawings in green berries or something, cause you know they didn't have paint back then. I wanted to chip off some of that rock to bring home with me when I was there for the Olympics, but I got caught doin that too. (By the way, did you see those openin ceremonies?? Wow!)

Anyways, you might find some pictures I drew that are also in the wedged-in spot in that left drawer I did of her. There's also some crayons I left for you that your gonna find comes in real handy during all those down times as President!

Hey, now give my best to Michelle and the girls, Barb says she wants to come up and do some shoppin with Michelle after yall get settled. Oh, and since this is what Condelessa likes to call a 'sensitive matter', you might wanna flush or even eat this email after you read it a couple times, that's what I always did.

Yours truely- Georgie


  1. really creative story...very nice! Hilarious depiction of Bush...or shall I say Georgie? Haha. The image is beautiful. Very positive and aesthetically interesting.

  2. This is wonderful! I really enjoyed how the writing read like everyday dialogue- really had character. I also really love how brilliantly colorful the picture is, almost hard on the eyes. Great job!

  3. I love the story! It was hilarious. I love stories that are full of dialogue... it makes everything so much more interesting and gathers your attention! Your image looks really nice as well. Awesome colors.

  4. Very fun concept. I think having such a detailed story adds a lot of depth to the image. Great color scheme too.

  5. Wonderful story. It gives her a great personality to match the vibrant colors. She seems dated with is good because it show the people that the problem has been around for a while but in all reality the problem has been around longer than that. Beautiful outcome.
